Witch's Cauldron

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Self-Love Spell Jar

Learn to love the person who should matter most: you

Price: $35.00

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Product Details

Made with all natural ingredients. This spell jar will help you feel loved by the most important person in your life: you. Once filled with self love and respect there can be a metamorphosis to heal a broken and battered heart so that when love is flourishing in one self, it can flourish on the physical plane. The vibrational frequency this particular jar was infused with was 528Hz. Which I will reinforce once I set it up for mailing Sold as a curio and entertainment item. There is no guarantee that you will achive the exact outcome you seek. Also, make sure you do not use this item as a replacement for medical health and mental health. Please consult a physician or therapist if you are suffering from any physical or emotional pain. Reach out to community resources if you are in a dire situation. Have a blessed day!

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